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Liklik Korona belong Divain Mersi yumi beten long olgeta hap bilong graun!  

The Chaplet  in the streets of cities around the world 2017

Chaplet of the Divine Mercy in the streets of cities around the world !

Your very reading of this invitation gives us hope that you will be there, on 28 September 2017,  at 3 p.m.



Pope Francis has been uniting with us and blessing us for two years 

28 September 2014 - 2015 

Divine Mercy Sunday


14  of April -22 of April 2017

International Novena


23 of April 2017   

The March to church with picture of  JESUS On Divine Mercy Sunday

The March to church with picture of Jezus on Divine Mercy Sunday


The Spark of Divine Mercy teams from Poland and Italy, Divine Mercy Sanctuary in Białystok, encourage you to organise a procession in your city on the Divine Mercy Sunday, April 23, 2017, to show the image Jesus, I trust in You to the whole world. In this way we shall carry out the command of Our Lord, who said: ”I want this image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it” (Divine Mercy in My Soul. Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 341).


Let us go to the house of the Lord. Church is not a mere building of stone or bricks. It is a place where we can discover solutions to our problems, meet the Merciful Lord, receive His forgiveness and find peace and joy. Let us proclaim it to the whole world and walk there together along with our relatives, friends and neighbours. Invite even complete strangers to join in. Everyone needs Mercy.


International Novena


But before we ' ll march with the picture, we 'll refuse the nine-day novena to  given to  us, just as the picture, from the personal recomendation  of Lord Jesus to St. Faustina. Novena will begin on Good Friday April 14 and will end on Saturday, April 22nd. It will be International Novena before Sunday Divine Mercy


We will also be accompanied by saints from heaven : Saint Faustina, Patroness of the City of Lodz and Bl. Michał Sopoćko, Patron of Bialystok.

All information about the International Novena and the March to the Church is available at


On behalf of the Spark of the Divine Mercy Group

Fr. Remigiusz Recław SJ


Fr..Andrzej Kozakiewicz

Divine Mercy Sanctuary in Białystok




Olgeta kantri kam bung wantaim long beten

Liklik Korona belong Divain Mersi yumi beten long olgeta hap bilong graun!  

Gutpela taim bilong God i kam na stap wantaim ol bilipmanmeri husat bilip tru long marimari bilong God, beten liklik Korona bilong Divain Mersi na tokaut: Jisas mi trastim Yu!


Fopela yia i go pinis taim mipela i kam bung wantaim long wankain de na wankain aua, na singaut long marimari bilong God long mipela na olgeta pipel i stap long graun. Mipela i kolim dispela spesal beten bilong mipela: “Liklik Korona bilong Divain Mersi yumi beten wantaim long olgeta hap bilong graun.” Dispela de mipela i makim plenty pipel i kam bung wantaim o stap wanpis long haus bilong ol na beten dispela holi beten.


Long de 28 Septemba 2016 long 3 kilok long apinun mipela i laik askim yu long beten Liklik Korona bilong Divain Mersi wantaim mipela. Dispela Korona i save senis yu yet taim yu beten na narapela pipel husat i no beten Korona tasol yu beten long ol.


29 SEPTEMBA 2016  - 28 SEPTEMBA 2017

3 kilok long apinun em i taim Jisas i dai long diwai kruse; em i taim bilong bikpela grasia pipel i kisim husat wantaim bikpela trast long Jisas askim Em long marimari long ol yet na narapela. Long dispela, bipo yumi start beten Liklik Korona bilong Divain Mersi i gutpela olsem yumi tingim pen na indai bilong Jisas long diwai kruse, taim yumi tok:


“O Blut na Wara i bin sut na i bin kam ausait long Hart bilong Jisas olsem as bilong givim marimari long mipela, mi trastim Yu!” Jisas bai i harim hevi na wari bilong yumi na bungim Ol wantaim pen na indai bilong Em.


Long dispela we bai yumi lainim beten dispela singaut long aua bilong marimari bilong God na bihain bai yumi beten Liklik Korona bilong Divain Mersi. Dispela beten na Liklik Korona bilong

Divain Mersi Jisas yet i skulim santu Faustyna Kowalska; Jisas i laik olsem yumi yet i beten long dispela we na lainim narapela. Dispela beten em i no bilong bipo, em i bilong nau.


Yumi wan wan i mas singaut stron na askim olsem God i marimari long yumi, pogivim sin bilong yumi na blesim yumi olgeta. Mipela i askim yu long liklik samting. Tasol sapos yu mekim, bikpela samting bai i kamap.

Sapos yu laik painim moa toksave long dispela bung wantim na beten, lukim


God i ken blesim yupela,

Fr Remigiusz Reclaw SJ    


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